Most Anticipated Book :

Story by Shane McCarthy
Art by Guido Guidi
What the hell? Green Lantern comes out this week and it's not my most anticipated book? I Must say it was close, but All Hail Megatron has consistently kicked ass and I cannot wait to see what the "final" issue brings after last month's cliffhanger "Oh Shit!" moment. I say "final" because this issue should end the main story, then there are 2 or 3 more issue to wrap up and set up the next big story. Fantastic book with amazing art. I highly recommend this title to any Transformers fan.
The Rest :
Detective Comics #848 : Beginning the Batwoman Elegy storyline. Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams?? How can this be bad?
Bart Simpson Comics #48 : I don't usually pick up Simpson's comics...which is weird, being that I'm such a fanatic, but I've heard good things lately and I'm going to give them a shot.
G.I. Joe #6 : Wrapping up the first major story arc, ths book has been enjoyable from the beginning. I love the focus on Destro and the way they keep Cobra in the background for now.
Gotham City Sirens #1 : I've been looling forward to this one for a while now. Paul Dini turned in a good issue with Streets of Gotham, so let's see what he can do with these ladies of Gotham City.
Green Lantern #42 : Like I said before, almost my Most Anticipated, because I'm dying to see where they take this after last issue's final page. Blackest Night is coming, and it can't get here soon enough.
Justice Society of America #28 : Last issue was decent, being the first post-Johns book, I'm still unsure as to whether I'll keep it on my regular pull list, we'll see what happens here.
Wonder Woman #33 : The end of the Rise of the Olympian story. Great title every month.
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