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Buying Back My Childhood

Dark Wolf #1-4, 8 : When I was just getting into comics I used to pick up this title called Dark Wolf from Malibu / Eternity Comics. I had a large painting that I did of the main character in my room because he was totally bad-ass looking. I honestly can't remember what the books were about beyond the main character but I remember loving them then and I enjoy picking up books that I used to have. I couldn't lose for 89 cents a piece.
Bought For the Cover

Suicide Squad #6 : Deadshot points his gun and Emchantress is targeted in the sight. I love Deadshot and usually pick up covers featuring him anyway, this one is sweet.
Wonder Woman #168 : Pretty much any Adam Hughes Wonder Woman cover is a definite buy for me and I didn't have this one yet. Shot from below and very dark as Wonder Woman grasps her sword causing her hand to bleed.

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